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 CASA Google Map image cutter 

is a useful tool for raster images
hereafter are reported some paleontological  and mineralogical examples


version of google mashup (M_Microprobe) (10.000k) (zip)


version of google mashup  (Cornuspira) (550k) (zip)


version of google mashup (Dscn0947) (400k) (zip)


version of google mashup (Globigerinoides) (1500k) (zip)

version of google mashup (Globorotalia) (1400k) (zip)


version of google mashup (Globorotalia peri) (1400k) (zip)

 petrographic thin sections

version of google mashup (thin section) (2000k) (zip)

version of google mashup (thin section 18) (4700k) (zip)

version of google mashup (thin section 19) (4000k) (zip)


version of google mashup (thin section 20) (4500k) (zip)

version of google mashup (thin section 21) (5000k) (zip)

version of google mashup (thin section 22) (4000k) (zip)

version of google mashup (thin section 23) (3500k) (zip)

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