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Google Map for radiology

Casa Google map Image cutter can be a useful tool for radiography in medicine, veterinarian field etc
to condivide image at far distance
two differrent group of example are here reported
first group are simply radiographies
second group are 3d radiographies. To obtain 3d radiography from a simple image  the package 3d gugle ( was adopted. To see 3d effect red-blue glasses are necessaries
All radiographies were found with a simple research of images on internet and I presume were free from any royalty or privacy, eventually it was not true I will provide to eliminate the specific image, please inform me by "contact" page . 

I am grateful to Marica Landini and Francesco Marucci for their tech support.

hereafter..... radiologic experiments 

version of google mashup (Knee) (1800k) (zip)

version of google mashup (blackboard) (1100k) (zip)

version of google mashup (many examples all together) (8000k) (zip)

3d experiments

version of google mashup (knee 1) (650k) (zip)

version of google mashup (knee 2 ) (900k) (zip)

version of google mashup (body) (850k) (zip)

version of google mashup (head) (900k) (zip)


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